
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Watermelon-Blueberry Slushie

There is nothing more refreshing on a hot and humid day than a icy cold drink.  And if it can get your kids to eat more fruit, well then it is even better!

You will need:

2 C. frozen watermelon (we always buy an extra melon when they are on sale and cut it up and freeze the chunks).
3/4 C. fresh or frozen blueberries
1/2 C. coconut water (or plain water or juice)
1-2 sprigs fresh mint (optional)
juice of 1/2 a lime
Sugar, to taste (if you have a sweet watermelon, you shouldn't need any sugar)

Place the ingredients in a blender and blend on high until desired consistency. Add more coconut water if your mixture is too thick.  Pour in a glass, add a sprig of mint and enjoy!

-Kids love these because it is like a slurpee, only without all the artificial colors and flavorings or the mountain of sugar!

-Substitute your favorite fresh or frozen fruits for the blueberries.

-For a grown up treat, you could add a splash of rum and it would be mojito style!
Watermelon and Mint in blender

P.S. We discovered this tastes best when sitting on a hammock in the shade!

1 comment:

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